Herbapol - masz to w naturze


Since 1949, we have been providing Polish families with what’s the best from nature.

Our herbs, aromatic teas and full-flavoured syrups are produced from only the best and most natural ingredients. We do this so that we can constantly keep your trust – as much as 84% of the Poles know our brand very well. We pride ourselves on this fact, but we don’t rest on our laurels.

As our slogan „Herbapol – It’s in your nature” states, we believe that a human being is a part of nature, and nature – a part of every human being. That’s why our products allow us to live in harmony with the environment, take advantage of its most precious wealth and share them with others.

This is why we guard values such as care, mutually sharing our deepest emotions, respect, giving and relying on others’ support. We want them to bring joy today and tomorrow. So the next generations will enjoy them. It’s more than just tradition. It’s believing in the concept of a singular nature for the world, despite all of its differences.

We believe that only together we can create and look after the environment around us for future generations.

As our slogan “Herbapol – It’s in your nature” states, we believe that a human being is a part of nature, and nature – a part of every human being. That’s why we guard the wealth of nature, and our mission is sharing its most precious bounty with you.

The backstory of our tea

Herbapol Lublin has 70 years of tradition. It’s 70 years of following nature’s voice, looking after and taking care of its most precious goods to be able to pass them down to future generations. Because true, constant and well-founded values, an integral part of ourselves and the surrounding world, matter the most.