Herbapol - masz to w naturze



Imagine that you enter a company office where the scent of fruit and herbs is floating in the air. This is where the wealth of nature is taken advantage from to provide people with its essence. Our strength lies in tradition, but it’s driven by new technologies, a proven management system, and more importantly, by experienced and dedicated personnel.

Utilising the strength of our brand, with each step we are developing and expanding our product portfolio, focussing on innovation and efficiency and relying on our Personnel and their expertise. Herbapol is comprised of over 500 people, who put their heart and soul into their work every single day, providing the highest quality for each product. If you want to grow your career within our Company’s structure and take advantage of the experience of our personnel, check out the job or internship offers published on the website.


We look for strongly motivated and highly ambitious people, committed to accomplishing tasks and eager to continuously develop their skills and enhance their professional qualifications.

We highly appreciate and seek in applicants the potential for a creative approach to problem-solving and an openness to changes. If you want to join our team, take a look at our current job openings.

Current job offers

No offers at this time


Student internships in our company provide the opportunity to learn the specific nature of a given job and gain valuable professional experience. Internships are offered to final years students wishing to gain hands-on expertise and learn from interesting people who work with passion.

We offer unpaid student internships throughout the year in the following departments:

Logistics, Transportation, Human Resources, Laboratories, Marketing (Warsaw), Administration, IT, Analytics and Sale Support, Public Relations, Export, Procurement, Customer Centre, Technology Development.