Herbapol - masz to w naturze


European Picnic 2018

Another, packed with attractions, European Picnic took place on May 1st. It goes without saying that visitors were able to taste donuts and drinks prepared with Herbapol products!

As always, thousands of visitors came to the Royal Łazienki Park where many attractions were planned for both children and adults. In 2018, the Bulgarian Embassy partnered this event.

Concerts, horse shows, orchestras’ parades and outdoor family games were organized.

Surely, time spent at the Royal Łazienki Park was much more pleasant thanks to the fact that our hostesses distributed delicious donuts, drinks and teas – all prepared with the Herbapol products. Those who felt a little bit more tired were able to relax in a dedicated zone where we provided comfortable, green sunbeds.

We are looking forward to the next Picnic!