Herbapol - masz to w naturze


70 years of tradition and experience

„Herbapol-Lublin” S.A. celebrates yet another milestone

In 2019 „Herbapol-Lublin” S.A., one of Polish biggest producers of teas, jams and syrups celebrates its 70th anniversary. This creates a perfect opportunity for a summary of to-date activities but also for a celebration of this important milestone.

„Herbapol-Lublin” S.A. was founded in May 1949 as „Centrala Zielarska” with its headquarters in Warsaw and field branched in several Polish cities. For the last 70 years, it has constantly grown, successfully combining tradition and modernity. „Herbapol-Lublin” has always focused on high quality products inspired by nature. Company’s portfolio includes two main brands: Herbapol (teas, syrups, jam products, soft drinks) and Big-Active, acquired 8 years ago. In 2019, the company has once again received a Forbes’ Diamond awarded to Polish companies showing most dynamic growth.

The intention to resurrect the Polish herbal tradition gave rise to an amazing history of a company loved by many generations of Poles. Regardless of time passing and changes in consumers’ preferences, there has always been one constant aspect of our activity: we draw our inspiration from nature, its richness and diversity, at the same time respecting its unique resources. Our expertise allows us to create exceptional, award-winning products. This is why, while celebrating our 70th anniversary, we want to include our customers in the activities planned, as a way of thanking them for their trust and support. – says company’s CEO, Evangelos Evangelou.

Celebrations will include both internal and external activities.