Herbapol - masz to w naturze


Herbapol Food Truck

Our 70th anniversary celebrations by the sea.

Our corporate anniversary celebrations will take place on the Polish coast! Herbapol Food Truck is an opportunity we want to use to thank our customers for their constant trust and support shown in our company and our products. If it wasn’t for them, we would not be able to celebrate this special milestone!

In July and August Herbapol Food Truck will visit 7 locations where we will create Nature Zones with free attractions for entire families. Moreover, our visitors will be able to taste our products (including this year’s newness)!

Herbapol Food Truck will operate from 12pm to 7pm. Locations are listed below, for more updates, please visit: https://www.facebook.com/events/2252264335039125/

  • 6-7.07 – Władysławowo, ul. Błękitnej Armii / ul. Dworcowa
  • 13-14.07 – Jurata, ul. Międzymorze (by the Bryza hotel)
  • 20-21.07 – Jastarnia, ul. Ks. Bernarda Sychty, opposite Dom Zdrojowy
  • 27-28.07 – Jastrzębia Góra, Promenada Światowida
  • 3-4.08 – Łeba, ul. Tysiąclecia 10
  • 10-11.08 – Gdynia, Bernadowska 1, Adventure Park Kolibki
  • 17-18.08 – Sopot, ul. Bitwy pod Płowcami 73-79, Park 45
  • 24-25.08 – Sopot, ul. Bitwy pod Płowcami 73-79, Park 45