Herbapol - masz to w naturze


Herbapol-Lublin named 2017 Food Market Leader!

On November 6th, during 10th Food Market and Retail Forum’s Gala, Food Market awards were presented.

The jury recognized companies and events that promote positive changes in Polish trade and food industry, awarding their specific activities in 2016.

We are delighted and proud to inform you that Herbapol-Lublin has been named Food Market Leader 2017! We were recognized for our continuous growth on a stable tea market, as well as development of our brand by entering new product categories, namely jam products and ready drinks. Moreover, the jury noted that we hold leadership positions in almost every category we have in our portfolio. At the same time, we hold 3rd place in jam products category – only three years after its launch! This prestigious award was received by Artur Bielak, Member of the Board.

Food Market awards were presented by: Wojciech Kuśpik, President of PTWP Group, Edyta Kochlewska, Editor-in-Chief of dlahandlu.pl and Rynek Spożywczy magazine, as well as Paulina Mroziak, Editor-in-Chief of portalspozywczy.pl. The event was hosted by Daria Ładocha.

Complete list of companies and events recognized can be found here.