Herbapol - masz to w naturze


Herbapol-Lublin S.A. celebrates the 200th anniversary of Warsaw University of Life Sciences!

This year the Warsaw University of Life Sciences is celebrating its 200th anniversary. Our company is the patron of the celebrations accompanying the event. See how the University’s picnic and our colourful stand looked like!

The picnic during which we celebrated 200 years of the University’s educational role took place on 19-21 May. For this occasion, Herbapol prepared a special stand with our products, which attracted a lot of attention among the visitors. Nice hostesses served our summer juice and tea – with ice, lemon and orange. Cups with the Herbapol logo were visible everywhere!

Rights next to us, Polpharmа had its stand, where everyone could talk to specialists and perform a number of free health checks, including blood pressure and cholesterol measurement or ECG.

The jubilee celebrations were, above all, an occasion to promote the University’s various faculties, science associations and students’ organisations. Warsaw University of Life Sciences is one of the oldest natural science universities in Poland – it was established in 1816. We are very happy that we could be a part of this wonderful event!

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