Herbapol - masz to w naturze


„Herbapol-Lublin” with Forbes’ Diamonds 2019 Award

We are pleased to announce that our company has yet again been recognized in this prestigious ranking!
For the 12th time, Polish companies with most dynamic growth have been named.
We came in 5th among companies with revenue exceeding PLN 250 million from the lubelskie region.
On a national level, we were ranked on 159th place.
The ranking was prepared by Bisnode Polska and it includes companies that had the biggest increase in value in three last years.

Companies were divided into three categories, depending on their annual sales income:
– small (PLN 5 to 50 mln)
– large (PLN 50 to 250 mln)
– large (income over PLN 250 mln)

This is one more recognition we receive in this very special, anniversary year. It is also a proof that our strategy is well prepared and executed.
This is a strong message to our business partners and customers, confirming our credibility.

Thank you!