Herbapol - masz to w naturze


Let’s meet at the Winter Evening of Light

On 18 February 2017, the Winter Evening of Light will take place in the Royal Łazienki Museum. This event is a part of the “Gardens of Light” international project, and in Warsaw it will be held for the 5th time.

It is a unique and once-a-year opportunity to walk through the historic gardens of Łazienki and see how the magically illuminated buildings and surrounding trees of the summer residence of King Stanisław emerge from darkness.

The Winter Evening of Light will start at 7 p.m. at the beginning of each of the trails which will lead the strollers through the illuminated gardens to the terrace in front of the Palace on the Isle where a final concert will take place.

Herbapol – being Partner of the Museum – will take part in this event as well. We will be waiting by the Palace on the Isle with delicious and hot teas!

Details on the Evening can be found. here.

Check available itineraries!

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