Herbapol - masz to w naturze


Our support for medical staff

During this extremely intense time for the medical staff, our company has decided to donate products to 17 medical facilities in Warsaw and Lublin.

Our jam products, BIO syrups, beverages and teas, as well as energy drinks, will be delivered to hospitals and paramedic teams in Lublin, Zamość, Biała Podlaska and Chełm. They will altogether receive around 15 000 products.

Moreover, thanks to the cooperation of Polpharma, “Herbapol-Lublin” and Belvedere restaurant, over 500 meals along with syrups, teas and beverages will be delivered every day to Warsaw hospitals and ambulance stations, starting from today.

Volunteers – students of the Medical University of Warsaw as part of the “Action – Dethronisation – We Remove the Crown from Virus” will carry out further distribution within the facilities.

Meals and products will be delivered to the following facilities in Warsaw:

  • Wojskowy Instytut Medyczny, Szaserów Street
  • Szpital MSWiA, Woloska Street
  • Szpital Zakaźny, Wolska Street
  • Pogotowie Ratunkowe, oddział Woronicza
  • Pogotowie Ratunkowe, Centrala
  • Lotnicze Pogotowie Ratunkowe