Herbapol - masz to w naturze


Superbrands 2018 Recognitions for Herbapol & Big-Active Brands

Herbapol and Big-Active brands have once again been recognized in a prestigious Superbrands 2018 survey. What is more, Superbrands 2018 recognitions were granted based on consumers’ indications during the biggest independent survey in Poland. The key factor was brand recommendation that translates into trusting the brand and recognizing its quality.

This year, Herbapol brand was granted Superbrands 2018 and Superbrands Polish Brand 2018, and Big-Active brand Superbrands Polish Brand 2018 certificates, both in tea category.

Superbrands 2018 HL na www

The consumer survey was conducted in September 2017 by ARC Rynek i Opinia on over 10 000 respondents. It is conducted on a regular basis and is the biggest survey of its kind in Poland.