Herbapol - masz to w naturze


The 24th Solidarność Run in Lublin

IMG_20160604_093847  Herbapol team at the finishing line!

The 24th Solidarność Run in Lublin ended with the success of Herbapol team. Our runners reached the finishing line with a remarkable result. Congratulations!

4 June is an important date for the Polish history and it was commemorated with the 24th Solidarność Run in Lublin. Our great Herbapol team participated in the race: Damian Maziarz, Paweł Rycuniak and Michał Harnik, who fought in the half-marathon, and Bernadeta Niedzielska, Piotr Białoszewski, Waldemar Kaliszczak and Tomasz Chmielik, who run the 2-km race. “The half-marathon route was hard, but we did it. Damian was first to reach the finishing line but all of us improved their last year’s results. There were over 500 runners at the start”, said Paweł Rycuniak. The half-marathon started at 10 a.m. at the airport in Świdnik and finished in Aleje Zygmuntowskie 5 in Lublin (runners finished the 21-km route in approx. 2 hours). The 2-km run led from Pl. Łokietka to Aleje Zygmuntowskie near the MOSiR stadium.


Our company sponsored awards for the winners: refreshing fruit teas and cans of energising Green-Ups. Congratulations to all runners and to our great Herbapol team!