Herbapol - masz to w naturze


Thousands of visitors at the Winter Evening of Lights

Several thousands of visitors took a walk in the Royal Łazienki park.

On 18th February, the Winter Evening of Light was held in the Royal Łazienki for the fifth time already. The historic gardens of Łazienki were magnificently illuminated, and by the Palace on the Isle music was played. On top of that, strollers could smell (and taste) fruity teas served by Herbapol-Lublin!

On Saturday night, thousands of people came to the Royal Łazienki. At 7 p.m., when the Winter Evening of Light started, strollers set off on the trails from three different points in the gardens – near the Monument to Chopin and at the entrances from the side of Gagarina and Agrykoli streets.

On each of the trails, visitors had the opportunity to admire the specially designed illuminations of the buildings and gardens, listen to stories told by our educators and take a photograph with actors dressed in costumes of the time. Live music performed on percussion instruments was yet another attraction, along with fruit teas served by Herbapol-Lublin hostesses!

The final of Winter Evening of Life took place on the terrace in front of the Palace on the Isle.

On 18 February 2017, the Winter Evening of Light event was also organised in the residences which together with the Royal Łazienki form the ‘Gardens of Light’ project. These are: The Prince Pückler Park in Bad Muskau in Germany, the Tsarskoye Selo Museum in Saint Petersburg in Russia, the Prince Kung’s Mansion in Beijing in China, the Château de Lunéville in France, and the Frederiksborg Castle in Hillerød in Denmark.

Click here to see photos from the event: http://www.lazienki-krolewskie.pl/pl/aktualnosci/zimowy-wieczor-swiatla-2017-zapraszamy-na-spacer-z-lampionam?langset=true