Herbapol - masz to w naturze

Social responsibility

53rd Pharmacy Division’s MA Thesis’ Competition at the Medical University in Warsaw

On March 15th, prizes for best MA Thesis’ at Pharmacy Division were delivered.

In the academic year 2015/2016, 26 thesis were submitted for the Competition.

Following graduates were recognized:

1st prize: Klaudia Wojcieska

2nd prize: Urszula Luchowska

3rd prize: Alicja Sztokfisz

4th prize: Martyna Katarzyna Gawryjołek

5th prize: Alicja Bieńkowska

At the end of the ceremony, all participants received gifts from the Sponsors, including Herbapol-Lublin. We hope that in spite of cutting-edge technologies and great accessibility of medicines, these graduates will remember about beneficial effects of herbs.