Herbapol - masz to w naturze

Social responsibility

Herbapol supports the 17th finale of the Noble Box Project.

10 and 11 December 2017 were not an ordinary weekend – it was the Weekend of Miracles, thanks to the Noble Box Project. During those days, volunteers visited most struggling families in Poland and delivered boxes prepared by those who decided to support this initiative. In 2016, number of donors reached 750 000 – including Herbapol-Lublin’s team!

We decided to support three families residing near our branches in Warsaw, Lublin and Białystok. Our employees showed great engagement in the cause, and will little support from the company, we delivered all items families asked for, and even more! Our colleagues from Białystok prepared additional and personalized boxes for every member of their family. Our colleagues from Lublin provided not only a bunk bed, but added comfortable mattresses. Those who work at Warsaw office packed some extra clothes for the children.

We cannot wait for the 2017 edition!
