Herbapol - masz to w naturze

Social responsibility

Herbapol supports the 2nd edition of the Education Festival in Łazienki Królewskie in Warsaw

Pursuing the concept of social responsibility and respect for natural environment, our Company has partnered in the 2nd edition of Education Festival organised in the Łazienki Królewskie park in Warsaw. This year’s Festival was full with events addressed to younger and older Guests of Łazienki Królewskie park. These four festive weeks were filled with rich animation and an art entertainment programme.
With Herbapol’s support, on 6 September environmental workshops called “Zielnik” (“Herbarium”) took place, demonstrating to the participants the amazing world of herbs.
Children participating in the workshops discovered the wealth of Polish herbs, created their own herbaria, explored secrets of a botanist work, learned which plants can be found during a walk through parks or meadows and looked into the leaves of various plants.


One of the workshop’s highlights was a task to create a herbarium of one’s own idea and composition, using Polish herbs provided by Herbapol. Not only did children learn what the most important Polish herbs look like, but they were also able to touch, taste, and smell each piece, which was great fun for them.


We are happy to support such unique projects and we hope that similar initiatives will spread to other Polish cities. Who knows, maybe we will all meet in family workshops in Lublin next year?