Herbapol - masz to w naturze

Social responsibility

We support local communities

One of Herbapol-Lublin’s priorities is to support those in need. Every year, we donate our products to local communities. This is our way of thanking them for the trust they have been showing towards our company for many years.

In 2018, our donations were given to the following institutions, located near our offices in Lublin, Fajsławice and Białystok:

– Orphanage in Siedliszcze;

– Care and Education Facility in Spiczyn.

Each of them house approximately 30 children in different ages, coming from difficult families. Being there means they have received a chance for a better life.

– Orphanage in Krasne, near Białystok.

– Primary School in Fajsławice.

Helping others is in our nature!