Herbapol - masz to w naturze

Social responsibility

A family is like a tree – for it to fully bloom, it has to draw strength from its robust roots.

With the “Nature of Generations” programme, launched for the 65th anniversary of Herbapol Lublin, the company  highlights that the Nature of our generations lies behind our every activity.

“Nature of Generations” is a thread of understanding between us, nature and you. These are the values we have cherished for years and want to protect – family, friends and authority figures.

“Nature of Generations” brings us closer and shows how to be open to others, teaches us respect and how be kind to each other.

Polish natural world constitutes an inherent part of the “Nature of Generations”. Every day we take from its wealth, keeping in mind future generations so that they will also be able to draw upon what’s best in nature.



It is our pleasure to support local communities. It is our way of thanking them for choosing our products for 70 years now.

Our support at the finale of Sigma Kwadrat Competition

On April 24, 2017, Marie Skłodowska-Curie University in Lublin hosted the finale of 6th Sigma Kwadrat Competition on Statistics and...


Green Shoe Lace Run

Once again, it was our greatest pleasure to support the Green Shoe Lace Run organized by Bez Miar Foundation in...


53rd Pharmacy Division’s MA Thesis’ Competition at the Medical University in Warsaw

On March 15th, prizes for best MA Thesis’ at Pharmacy Division were delivered. In the academic year 2015/2016, 26 thesis were...


Herbapol supports the 17th finale of the Noble Box Project.

10 and 11 December 2017 were not an ordinary weekend – it was the Weekend of Miracles, thanks to the...


Herbapol at Onko Olimpiada 2016

The participants of Onko Olimpiada (Onco-olympics) were children from oncological centres in Poland, Romania, Lithuania and Slovakia. This year’s event...


Carnival Green-Up

On 28–31 July a great festival of street artists including jugglers, circus performers and street actors took place in Lublin....